Chicago friends and those who will be at CAA! I will be in conversation with joan giroux on Thursday February 13, from 10.30-12 noon in ARTspace, Hilton Chicago-Lower Level C-4 (free and open to the public) on the panel Art Happens: Amazing Women. Moderated by Joan and Reni Gower, there will be conversations with Reni and Virginia Derryberry, Kristy Deetz and Phyllis Bramson, joan giroux and myself. It would be great to see you there! This panel is free and open to the public!
Miriam Schaer
Embraced: The International Community Roundtable, August 12 /
Felt book in progress, Alvani School, 2013
I will be participating in a round table conversation in conjunction with Embraced: The International Community, an exhibition organized by RIchard Minsky, on view at the Center for Book Arts. The panel will take place on Wednesday, August 12, 2015, at 6.30 pm. Panelists Steven Daiber, Takuji Hamanaka, John Ross, and I will discuss our projects and experiences working with the international book arts scene. You can get more information about the exhibition and the round table talk here
If you are in NY, I hope to see you there!
The Center for Book Arts, 28 W 27 Street, 3rd Floor, NY NY
Gendered Journeys: Art and Activism of Melissa Potter and Miriam Schaer At SUNY Brockport /
If you are anywhere near Brockport NY, in upstate New York, my exhibition with Melissa Potter, Gendered Journeys, will be on view at the Tower Fine Arts Center at the College at Brockport.
The exhibition is anchored around a two-part residency in the Republic of Georgia. Part 1, with Clifton Meador, incorporates a unique craft‐based project which brings together groups of women for a series of workshops in artists’ books and personal storytelling using the medium of handmade felt, an indigenous Georgian craft. The works embrace feminist activism for women’s basic rights to safety, as well as advocacy for women craft artisans, whose skills are endangered, underpaid and under‐recognized.
In Part 2, Potter and Schaer returned to Tblisi in June 2013 to work with local feminist activists to create felt banners and masks in the wake of a riot that attacked peaceful LGBTQ marchers in Tbilisi.
In addition to our collaboration with women artisans and activists in the Republic of Georgia, the exhibition includes Potter's film Like Other Girls Do, featuring the story of a Montenegrian woman who was raised in a Balkan tradition as a boy in a family with no male heirs and Baby (Not) on Board, my on-going project about society's prejudice against childless women.
The exhibition will be on view from March 3-29. The Gallery will be closed from March 14-22 for academic break.
The gallery is located at 180 Holley Street, Brockport, Brockport, NY, USA and the exhibit is free and open to the public
For more information:
Craft Power! at the Baird Center, South Orange NJ Jan 14 /
Last year I was fortunate to go to the Republic of Georgia twice, working with Clifton Meador and Melissa Potter, my friends and colleagues at Columbia College Chicago. In January we worked with women's groups to make artist books from felt-a local craft heritage. In June, I returned with Melissa to work more closely with Women's Fund in Georgia. Please join us on January 14, at 11.30 for lunch and an in depth look at craft and women's empowerment. Craft Power: Enhancing Women's Rights Through The Practice of Traditional Craft, is sponsored by the Book Arts Roundtable! Reservations are necessary and will cover the cost of lunch ($20/$15 for members of the Book Arts Roundtable) Call 973-761-7151 or email before Jan 1. Please join us!
Childfree: Conversations About Choice, Circumstance, and Ambivalence /
I hope you can join me as I will be presenting my work on Childfree: Conversations About Choice, Circumstance, and Ambivalence,a panel at Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, Residents' Dining Hall on THURS Dec. 5 | 6-8 PM
Jane Addams-Hull Houses 800 S. Halsted, Chicago, IL
Reserve a free spot here:
Organized by Kirstin De Mello
+Carrie Ruckel, moderator and filmmaker, creator of the short film “This is not a feminist theory about motherhood” +Nannette Banks, Reverend and coordinator at McCormick Theological Seminary +Gloria Bowman, writer and author of Human Slices, a love story about the choice to be childfree +Sekile Nzinga-Johnson, Asst. Prof. in Gender & Women’s Studies at UIC and editor of Laboring Positions: Black Women, Mothering and the Academy (2013). +Miriam Schaer, artist and professor at Columbia College, recent work includes Baby (Not) on Board: The Last Prejudice? +Edra Soto, artist and creator of The Franklin exhibit space